Community Center Feasibility Task Force Community Meeting
7 pm, Wednesday, December 2, 2020
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Join by Phone: 877-853-5257 | Meeting ID: 979 7761 8406
The Community Center Feasibility Task Force invites residents to join them for one final Community Meeting on this important issue, beginning at 7 pm, on Wednesday, December 2. The meeting is being held remotely via Zoom, and can be accessed using the above login information.
As Phase II of an almost 18-month study process nears its end, the Task Force is conducting a last round of community engagement activities to share its findings with residents and obtain input that will help shape its final recommendations to City Council.
At this community meeting, members of the Task Force and their consultant team will share highlights of the entire study process, including the findings from Phase I which led them to conclude that community support for a community center exists and helped identify what types of programming and facilities should be included. In Phase II, the Facilities Subcommittee narrowed its search to two potential locations for a community center and has overseen the development of preliminary concepts for each site. Concurrently, the Finance Subcommittee has been focused on the development of a comprehensive overview of the costs associated with building and operating a community center, as well as potential funding mechanisms. A statistically valid survey – followed by an online version that was open to all members of the community – has also been conducted to measure community sentiment on the emerging options.
Following the Community Meeting, the Task Force is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, December 9 to formalize the recommendations that will be presented to City Council at a Special City Council meeting on Wednesday, December 16. Meeting details are as follows:
- Community Center Feasibility Task Force Meeting – 7 pm, Wednesday, December 9
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