Community Meeting Scheduled for Community Center Feasibility Task Force
7 pm, Thursday, October 8 – Via Zoom Videoconference
After a 10-month Phase I study process which affirmed that many residents want and need a community center, the Community Center Feasibility Task Force (CCFTF) has transitioned to Phase II. During this phase, the Task Force is drilling into details such as what facilities to include, where a community center might be located, and the costs for construction, operations and ongoing maintenance.
The Facilities & Partnerships Subcommittee has undertaken a review of potential sites. From an initial, high-level discussion of approximately 15 locations, eight sites emerged for closer analysis. The subcommittee reviewed a site criteria matrix for these sites in depth in September, with Kingsdale and the Municipal Services Center emerging as the highest scoring locations:
- Kingsdale received the highest score for reasons that included: a central, accessible location; the recent announcement of Continental Real Estate Companies’ pending purchase of the site and their willingness to explore a public use with the City as part of redevelopment plans; the potential for creative funding and partnership opportunities; and the fact that it would not impact existing parkland.
- The Municipal Services Center scored higher than Kingsdale on the issue of site control and the same for creative funding and partnerships potential, but lost points as a slightly less central and accessible location, as well as the potential impact on existing greenspace.
The subcommittee concluded they had the information they needed to focus on these two sites and directed the consultants to begin development of building concepts for each option. These high-level designs are being shared with the subcommittee at its October 5 meeting, followed by a series of stakeholder focus groups, and culminating with a Community Meeting scheduled for 7 pm on Thursday, October 8. This meeting will be held remotely via Zoom, per the following details:
Community Meeting
7 pm, Thursday, October 8, 2020
*Join the Meeting Here: //
Or Join by Phone: 888 475 4499 (Toll Free) or 877 853 5257 (Toll Free)
*Webinar ID: 986 7412 4281
After the meeting, a recording will be made available on the CCFTF website.
*PLEASE NOTE: the meeting link and ID have been updated from the information previously provided. Please use this access information.
The meeting will be comprised of a presentation, followed by break out discussions so that participants can provide feedback and ask questions. At the close of the meeting, participants will be asked to answer some quick polling questions. After watching the presentation, residents are also encouraged to share their thoughts with the Task Force by sending an email to [email protected].
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Task Force Meeting of the Whole
7 pm, Wednesday, October 14
Join Meeting Here: //
Or Join by Phone: 888 475 4499 (Toll Free) or 877 853 5257 (Toll Free)
Webinar ID: 928 4218 3869
A meeting of the Task Force of the Whole is scheduled for 7 pm on Wednesday, October 14, at which time the Task Force will further consider the two building concepts and discuss the feedback received to date from the focus group discussions and community meeting.
Residents are welcome and encouraged to attend all meetings of the Task Force and its subcommittees, with time set aside at the end of each meeting for public comment. Meetings are typically held remotely via Zoom Videoconference, with meeting access details posted in the agenda. Any residents wishing to address the Task Force are asked to submit a request by email to [email protected] a minimum of one hour prior to the start of the meeting.
Full details of the work of the Task Force can be found at