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Community Center Feasibility Task Force Surveys

Following a series of community engagement activities organized by the Community Center Feasibility Task Force (CCFTF), the focus then turned to fielding a statistically valid survey. In early March, 3,000 randomly selected homes were mailed a hard copy of the survey with a letter inviting them to participate in this important part of the study process.

The task force has extended the timeframe for completing the survey through mid-April, recognizing that the rapidly evolving Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) situation has affected many residents’ routines in recent weeks.

If yours is one of the households to receive the survey, the task force strongly encourages you to participate, since this type of survey process is designed to ensure that responses are reflective of community sentiment as a whole. You can either complete and return the copy provided, or you can choose to complete the survey online.

As the statistically valid survey process concludes, an online survey will be made available for all residents to complete, so we encourage you to watch for notices from the City when this survey goes live. While the data collected through the online survey won’t be included with the statistically valid findings, it will serve as supplemental information and further enrich the information that will be used by the task force to determine next steps.

Rounding out the survey phase of this engagement process, a series of youth specific surveys will also be fielded, targeting all grades of students and making sure they have a voice in this process.

About the CCFTF

A key 2018 Parks & Recreation Comprehensive Plan recommendation is that the City revisit the issue of inadequate indoor community gathering space. As a direct result of survey findings showing strong support for fully investigating the potential for a community center, in July of 2019 City Council established the Community Center Feasibility Task Force comprised of 16 resident volunteers—to lead this process.

The feasibility study is being conducted in two phases. In phase 1, the CCFTF is seeking answers to three questions: What kind of community center makes sense for UA? Do we want a community center? Do we need a community center? If the answer to the last two questions is “YES,” the study will transition to phase 2, drilling into details, such as what facilities to include, where a community center might be located, and the costs for construction, operations and ongoing maintenance.

Members of the CCFTF strongly encourage residents to be involved in the feasibility study—your feedback is vital to determining how the City should proceed with this important community issue. Click here to learn more.

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